Seal Doctor - fork seal cleaner (large)

Product ID: B-870021
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Most dirt bike riders are faced with leaky fork seals several times a year. Riders are then challenged to repair a complicated and sensitive suspension system which requires specialty tools. The alternative is to pay for an expensive repair bill and take time off the bike while it is in the shop. Additionally, it can ruin a race day or an epic trail ride. However, having the ability to quickly and easily repair a leaky fork seal at the track or on the trail can save repair costs, race entry fees, salvage valuable title points or reclaim that weekend trail ride!

The majority of fork seals leak due to dirt being trapped in the seal. Obviously this leak will affect the suspension tuning of your bike. It can also soak your front brake pads creating unsafe riding conditions. This common problem is exactly why the Seal Doctor was designed.

"...Simply put, The Risk Racing Seal Doctor removes the dirt that typically causes a leaky fork seal... And you can do it right at the track or on the trail!"


To use the Seal Doctor, Just lower the dust seal and snap the Seal Doctor on your fork tube. Then insert it into the leaky seal and twist. The design of the Seal Doctor maintains the proper position and angle as you rotate around your fork tube. You don’t even need to remove most fork guards. It is important to note that it effortlessly pulls the dirt OUT of the fork rather than pushing it deeper into the fork. You can also run your dust seal through the lower tooth on the Seal Doctor in order to clean that seal up as well. Now just clean the fork up and put the dust seal back in place.




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